Pacific Alliance: Member Countries Seek to promote Strategic Alliances

More than 400 leaders of business and government of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru today and tomorrow to attend international meeting called Business Leadership Conference CEO: CEO Summit of the Pacific Alliance – Leading Growth in Paracas, Ica, aiming to promote strategic alliances.


This is the tenth Summit of the Pacific Alliance, which will be attended by ministers of Foreign Trade, Economy and Finance, Production and Education of member countries to interact with leading businessmen of the regional bloc and identify good government practices in economic fields, innovation and education, in order to generate more and better opportunities for welfare and prosperity.

It will allow to know the advantages offered by the free trade agreement (FTA) of the Pacific Alliance, which will take effect on July 20. Peru FTA that will allow access to a market of over 200 million people with zero tariffs for most products.

Governments have made progress in signing a trade protocol which gives preferential access to 92% of tariff lines and removed the visa for tourists.

Similarly, export promotion agencies as ProChile, ProColombia, ProMéxico and Promperú work to promote trade of small and medium enterprises.

Did you know… 

  • The Pacific Alliance, created in 2011, is a regional integration initiative of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru to promote the free movement of goods, services, capital and people, and drive growth, development and competitiveness.
  • In terms of GDP, it is the world’s ninth largest economy and the seventh in terms of exports.
  • The alliance concentrates a population of 216 million people and a GDP per capita average of $ 14.226.

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