President Humala will arrive Pisco X Summit of the Pacific Alliance

The President, Ollanta Humala Tasso arrived at Pisco airport around 02:30 hours, accompanied by the First Lady, Nadine Heredia, to participate in the Tenth Summit of the Pacific Alliance, which develops in the spa Paracas, south of Lima.

Humala Tasso is the second president up to Pisco and then moved to Paracas, to participate in this important event. Last night arrived the president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, also accompanied by his wife.

This afternoon the arrival of the president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, and the president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet is also expected.

The Chief of the Peruvian State intends to decorate this afternoon his Mexican counterpart, Enrique Peña Nieto, with the Military Order Francisco Bolognesi in degree of Great Cross and give the Order of Grand Admiral Miguel Grau, in the Libertador hotel.

At 18:30, also, the Peruvian president will participate in the CEO Summit called “Pacific Alliance: Future Vision”.

This segment also participate Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile; Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia; and Enrique Peña Nieto, president of Mexico.

The moderator of this event, to be held at the Hilton hotel in Paracas, will be Luis Alberto Moreno, president of the Inter American Development Bank (BID).

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