Ghezzi: anchovy fishing in the first half exceeded 25% it captured the entire 2014

The Minister of Production (Produce), Piero Ghezzi, said that in the first six months of the year the amount of anchovy caught already exceeded by 25 percent the total of catch throughout 2014, which projects a good performance of the sector by 2015.

“The May figure is expected. Today we have in the north-central region 94 percent of the catch quota and in the south, 70 percent; so it seems to me that reach 100 percent in both regions, “he said after his presentation at the X Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI), the Fisheries sector rose 23.15 percent in May, driven by increased anchovy catch destined for indirect human consumption. (38.77 %)

INEI data reveal that increased from 675.652 tonnes in May 2014 to 937.636 tonnes in May this year.

About a possible involvement in the sector is likely to expand by El Niño, said Ghezzi that Produce applied adaptive and flexible in order to capture as many of hydro-biological resources policies.

“Despite a possible expansion of El Niño, I believe that we have a good second season. Fishing this year will be a sector that will pull the economy”, he said.

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