Minister Silva inaugurated CEO Summit of the Pacific Alliance

With the participation of over 400 national and international businessmen, members of multilateral financial institutions and government authorities of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), Magali Silva, opened the Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance - Leading growth.

In the Business Summit we also found the Minister of Economy and Finance, Alonso Segura; the Minister of Production, Piero Ghezzi, and the Minister of Education, Jaime Saavedra.

The president of the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), Luis Moreno and President of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), Enrique García were also keynote speakers at the Summit, as well as the exclusive participation of the 4 presidents on the Member States of the Pacific Alliance. 

The president of the Board of PromPeru said that this important meeting is part of the objectives of the Pacific Alliance, seeking to build an area of ​​integration to the free movement of goods, services, capital and people; drive further growth and competitiveness of our economies with social inclusion, and propose a joint policy platform of economic and trade integration and projection to the world with special emphasis on Asia-Pacific. To view the full story click here.

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