Paracas Declaration of priority axes of trade and education

Surf busy opening day of the X Summit of the Pacific Alliance was a calm morning. The highlight of yesterday-and without the presence of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, was the signing of the Declaration of Paracas.

The document was signed by the presidents of Peru, Ollanta Humala; Chile, Michelle Bachelet, and of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto. For Colombia was his Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin.

Paracas Declaration basically represents a commitment by the four member countries of the Pacific Alliance to develop axes focused on various points, but highlights education and foreign trade.

Before the closing ceremony of the X Summit of the Pacific Alliance, the three leaders were meeting privately in the Barlovento Hotel Libertador Hall. At this meeting they agreed to give a leading role to their respective Ministers of Education in the block.

Earlier, the head of the education sector in Peru, Jaime Saavedra, had exposed against Bachellet and Peña Nieto attributes  of Scholarship program. Scholarship program In this activity, the head of state of Chile was interested in young, consulting over one about how they went and what their aspirations are.

“Education is a task of the public sector and private,” said Humala on the closure of the summit. This after his Mexican counterpart, Peña Nieto, would emphasize the need to project to the Pacific Alliance as “more than a free trade agreement.” In this regard, he announced a fund of 100 scholarships to study in the UK.

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