Peru Business Council lead the Pacific Alliance

Peru, in addition to assuming the Presidency Pro Tempore of the Pacific Alliance, will lead the group the Business Council of the block, which will strengthen the participation of Peruvian entrepreneurs and their integration with sector counterparts in Colombia, Chile and Mexico, said today the Manager General Foreign Trade Society (Comex Peru) Eduardo Ferreyros.

He highlighted the active participation of Peruvian entrepreneurs in this group of countries. This results in the representation in the said council have entities such as the National Society of Industry, the Chamber of Commerce of Lima and Exporters Association.

They’re all together entrepreneurs who bet and see in this project the Pacific Alliance an important way for the development“, said Ferreyros, who was also Minister of Foreign Trade.

He further recalled that the representative of Comex Peru is responsible for chairing the Business Council on the Peruvian side.

This body “is quite strong, because in it are the entrepreneurs of the four countries that make up the Pacific Alliance, seeing different integration issues to work together”.

From this space, employers in Peru, Chile, Colombia and Mexico “can raise with their presidents suggestions for economies to continue to grow and increase investments”, noted Ferreyros told RPP.

With regard to the recent presidential summit of the Pacific Alliance, held this week in Paracas, Ica, the businessman said that the realization of this gives Peru “great weight and value”.

It organizing it “allows us exhibirnos to the world in an integrated manner”, he said.

With regard to the objectives of integration of this bloc, he said the presidential meeting “gives great strength to this process”.

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