Presidents of the Pacific Alliance today signed Declaration of Paracas

The presidents of the Pacific Alliance, plan to sign the Declaration of Paracas today with the agreements and commitments adopted at the Tenth Summit of the regional economic bloc that takes place in this resort, located 250 kilometers south of Lima.

The ceremony is to be performed around noon with the participation of the presidents of Chile, Michelle Bachelet; of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto; and Peru, Ollanta Humala; will not attend Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia, because their return anticipated by the terrorist attacks in Bogota.

The day of the final day of the summit starts in the morning (0830) with bilateral meetings between leaders and international organizations; then followed by a private meeting between the heads of state.

Along with the signing of the Declaration of Paracas also occurs subscription amending protocol and closing remarks of President Humala Tasso.

Following this, a meeting will be held with the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance and a final message will be provided to the media.

The dismissal of the heads of state will be participating in the # 51 of Pisco Air Base.

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